Zirconium Round Bar / Wire Supplier, Stockist

Zr 702 Square Bar In Gulf, Zirconium Wire, Zirconium Round Bars, Zirconium 702 Round Bars Stockist In Europe, UNS N08028 Wire Spool Stockholder, Zirconium Bar, Zirconium Bars, ASTM B493 Zirconium 702 Hex Bars, Zr Welding Wire In Australia, Zirconium 702 Industrial Bar, Zirconium 702 Alloy Forged Blocks Manufacturer, Zirconium Round Bar Supplier, Zirconium Wire Supplier.

Kovar Round Bar / Wire

Zirconium Round Bar is available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and finishes. Secondary services include heat treating, polishing, and grinding. Other features of Zirconium Round Bar include corrosion resistance and a high melting point. Zirconium Round Bar is often used for industrial applications. This is because it’s a high-quality material that can withstand extreme temperatures. In industrial applications, zirconium is used to create components for electronic and valve systems. It is also used in the production of rings, plates, and balls.

The strength of zirconium is an important factor in its use in chemical processes. It is a great choice for components in chemical equipment that are subjected to high levels of hydrofluoric acid. In addition, zirconium is extremely corrosion-resistant, and its thin oxide layer resists acids and alkalis.

Compared to titanium, zirconium is less expensive. But it shares many of the same desirable qualities as titanium. Its strength, corrosion resistance, and low thermal conductivity make it a popular metal for many industrial applications. If you’re looking for a unique metal for a specific project, zirconium is a great choice.

Features of the Zirconium Round Bars:

There are numerous features exhibited by zirconium round bars. The protective oxide layer of this material gives this alloy its prevalent resistance, though it can be improved through a heat treating process.

An upgraded oxide layer works as an amazing bearing surface over the assortment of materials. It also has the feature of enhancing the corrosion resistance property in specific aggressive environments.

Zirconium Round Bars are available in the welded and seamless forms in various sizes as per the requirements of the client industry.

Due to the oxide formation on the surface of the bars, it resists oxidation, acids and alkalis. Hydrofluoric acid is an exception to that.

The corrosive and reactive agents do not damage the oxide layer, and therefore the rods remain intact. The metal is silvery looking and has a very high melting point of 1852 degrees Celsius.

Zr 702 Alloy Bright Bar, Zirconium Alloy Threaded Bars, Zirconium alloy Woven Forged Blocks Manufacturer, ASTM B493 Zirconium Bars Exporter, Zirconium 702 Flat Bars In South America, Zr alloy 702 Rectangular Bars, Zirconium 702 Netting Forged Blocks In Russia, Zirconium 702 Bar / Wire Supplier In South East Asia, Zirconium Round Bar Stockist, Zirconium Wire Stockist.

Uses of Zirconium Round Bar:

The zirconium round bar and wires are used in chemical and petrochemical industries because of the high corrosion resistance. It is also used in high temperature and high strength applications with impurities. Zirconium Round Bars and Wires can be used widely in the manufacturing sector due to its characteristics.

Zirconium Wire is a versatile material that can be used in various applications. Its corrosion resistance makes it suitable for medical devices and human implants. In addition, it is often used in the chemical industry. Its high melting point makes it a suitable material for electrodes and springs.

Composition of the Zirconium wires:

  • Zirconium
  • Hafnium
  • Iron
  • Chromium
  • Tin
  • Hydrogen
  • Nitrogen
  • Carbon
  • Niobium


The material zirconium can be either hot or cold finished, often used in annealed conditions. Generally, the zirconium wires‘ delivery conditions can be varied, including non-descaled, descaled, ground or polished.

The high temperature and oxidation resistance zirconium products such as wires are used in crucibles, ceramics, abrasives and bricks production. The oxide of zirconium, also called the zirconia, is used as an opacifier in enamels and pigments.

Zirconium Rod, ZR0929 Zirconium Wire, zirconium wire suppliers, pure zirconium wire , zirconium chromium wire, Zr Alloy 702 Bars In New Zealand, 702 Zirconium Hex Bars, Zr 702 Wire, Zirconium 702 Square Bars Exporter, Zirconium Tig Welding Wire, ASTM B493 Zirconium Alloy 702 Bars, Zirconium Alloy Filler Wire.

Specification of Zirconium Round Bar

Standards : ASTM B493
Size : 5.0mm diameter x L
Specification : ASTM B550/550M-07
Length : 2m, 2.44m, 3m, or as required
Surface : Turning, Grinding

Type of Zirconium Round Bar


Zirconium Round Bar

702 Zirconium HR Bars | Zirconium UNS N08028 Round Bar Exporter in Europe | Zirconium 702 Alloy Bar Stockist in Russia | 702 Zr Bars | Zirconium 702 Bar Supplier in New Zealand | Zirconium 702 Alloy Round Bars in Gulf | Zirconium Round Bar Importer | ASTM B493 Zirconium 702 Round Bars | Zirconium 702 CR Bar | Zirconium 702 Round Bar | UNS N08028 Round Bar Stockholder in Australia| Zirconium 702 Hot Rolled Round Bars| Zirconium alloy HR Round Bar in South America | Zr 702 Cold Rolled Round Bar in South East Asia

Zirconium Wire

Zirconium alloy 702 Wires bobbins | 702 Zirconium Fine Wire | Zirconium alloy Filler Wire in New Zealand | Zr 702 Spool Wire in Europe | Zirconium Alloy Tig Welding Wire | Zr 702 Electrode Wire | Zirconium Coiled Wire | UNS N08028 Wires in Russia | Zirconium N08028 Round Wire | Zirconium Alloy Straight Wire | Zirconium 702 MIG Welding Wire | 702 Zirconium Alloy Wire Spools Stockist in Australia | Zirconium 702 Welding Electrodes | Zirconium Wires Cloth Supplier in South America| 2.4964 Wires Importer | Zirconium 702 Fine Wire in Gulf | Zr 702 Thin Wire | Zr 702 Welding Wire Exporter in South East Asia

Forged Blocks

Zirconium Forged Blocks

Zirconium Welding Electrodes | Zirconium 702 MIG Welding Wire | Zirconium 702 Welding Wire Exporter in South East Asia | Zirconium Alloy Tig Welding Wire | Zirconium alloy 702 Wires bobbins | Zirconium Fine Wire in Gulf | 702 Zirconium Alloy Wire Spools Stockist in Australia | Zirconium Electrode Wire | Zirconium 702 Round Wire | Zr Coiled Wire | UNS N08028 Wires in Russia | Zirconium Alloy Straight Wire | Zirconium 702 Fine Wire | Zr 702 Thin Wire | Zirconium alloy Filler Wire in New Zealand | Zr 702 Spool Wire in Europe | 2.4964 Wires Importer | Zirconium 702 Wires Cloth Supplier in South America

Square Bars

Zirconium Rectangular Bar

Zirconium 702 Square Bars | Alloy 2.4964 Square Bar | Zr 702 Hot Rolled Square Bar | Zirconium UNS N08028 Square Bars | Zirconium 702  CR Square Bar | ASTM B493 Zirconium Alloy Square Bar | ASTM B493 Zirconium 702 Square Bars Importer | Zirconium 702 Alloy Square Bar in Russia | UNS N08028 Square Bars | 702 Zirconium Square Bars Stockist in South America | Zirconium alloy Square Bars Exporter Stockholder in New Zealand | Zirconium Alloy 2.4964 Square Bars Supplier in South East Asia| Zirconium Cold Rolled Square Bars in Australia | Zr Square Bars Supplier in Gulf

Hex Rods

Zirconium Hex Bar

702 Zr Alloy CR Hex Bars in New Zealand | Zr702 Hex Bar Exporter in South America | ASTM B493 Zirconium Hex Bars Importer | Zirconium Alloy 2.4964 Hex Bar Supplier in Europe | UNS N08028 Hex Bars | 702 Zirconium Alloy Hexagon Bars Stockist | ASTM B493 Zirconium 702 Hexagon Bars | Zirconium N08028 Hex Bar | Zirconium 702 Hexagonal Bars | 2.4964 Hex Bar| Zirconium Hexagonal Bar Stockist in Russia
Rectangular Rods

Zirconium Rectangular Bar

Zr 702 Rectangular Bars | UNS N08028 Rectangular Bars in Russia | 2.4964 Rectangular Bar | Zr alloy 702 Alloy Rectangular Bar | Zirconium Alloy N08028 Rectangular Bars Stockist in Australia | ASTM B493 Zirconium 702 Rectangular Bars| Zr Rectangular Bars Supplier in South America| ASTM B493 Zirconium Rectangular Bars | Zirconium Alloy 2.4964 Rectangular Bars | 702 Zirconium CR Rectangular Bars in New Zealand

Chemical Composition of Zirconium Wire

Grade Zr+Hf Hf Fe+Cr Sn H N C O Nb
R60702 99.2% <4.5% <0.20% <0.005% <0.015% <0.030% <0.15%
R60704 97.5% <4.5% 0.2-0.4% 1.0-2.0% <0.005% <0.015% <0.030% <0.16%
R60705 95.5% <4.5% <0.2% <0.005% <0.015% <0.050% <0.16% 2.0-3.0%

Mechanical Properties of ASTM B493 Zirconium Round Bar

Molecular Weight 91.22
Appearance White
Melting Point 1852 °C
Boiling Point 3580 °C
Density 6506 kg/m3
Solubility in H2O N/A
Electrical Resistivity 40.0 microhm-cm @ 20 oC °C
Electronegativity 1.4 Paulings
Heat of Fusion 5.50 Cal/gm mole
Heat of Vaporization 120 K-Cal/gm atom at 4377 °C
Poisson’s Ratio 0.34
Specific Heat 0.0671 Cal/g/K @ 25 oC °C
Tensile Strength 230 MPa
Thermal Conductivity 0.227 W/cm/K @ 298.2 K
Thermal Expansion (25 °C) 5.7 µm·m-1·K-1
Vickers Hardness 903 MPa
Young’s Modulus 88 GPa

Weight Chart Of ASTM B550/ Sb-550 Bar

Round Bar
SizeKgs / FootKgs / MtrSizeKgs / FootKgs / MtrSizeKgs / FootKgs / Mtr

ASME SB 493 Zirconium Bar Stock Tolerance Chart

Tolerances for UNS R60702 Round Bar
Shape / Section Size, diameter or width across flats Permitted variation
milimeter milimeter
Round ≥6 ≦ 18
> 18 ≦ 30
> 30 ≦ 50
> 50 ≦ 80
> 80 ≦ 100
+ 0 to – 0.070
+ 0 to – 0.085
+ 0 to – 0.100
+ 0 to – 0.120
+ 0 to – 0.140
Flat (thickness) < 18
> 18 ≦ 30
> 30 ≦ 50
> 50 ≦ 80
+ 0 to – 0.110
+ 0 to – 0.130
+ 0 to – 0.250
+ 0 to – 0.350
Flat (width) < 18
> 18 ≦ 30
> 30 ≦ 50
> 50 ≦ 80
> 80 ≦ 100
> 100 ≦ 130
> 130 ≦ 160
> 160 ≦ 320
+ 0 to – 0.110
+ 0 to – 0.130
+ 0 to – 0.160
+ 0 to – 0.190
+ 0 to – 0.220
+ 0 to – 0.350
+ 0 to – 1.00
+ 1.00 to – 1.00
Square and
≥ 6 ≦ 18
> 18 ≦ 30
> 30 ≦ 50
> 50 ≦ 80
> 80 ≦ 105
+ 0 to – 0.090
+ 0 to – 0.110
+ 0 to – 0.130
+ 0 to – 0.160
+ 0 to – 0.250

Tolerances of Turned UNS R60705 ZR Bar (BS 970-3)

Turned UNS R60705 Zirconium Bar Tolerances
Zirconium Rod diameter and sizes Permitted variation
milimeter milimeter
≧ 6 ≦ 18
> 18 ≦ 30
> 30 ≦ 50
> 50 ≦ 80
> 80 ≦ 120
> 120 ≦ 180
> 180 ≦ 250
> 250 ≦ 315
> 315 ≦ 400
> 400
+ 0 to – 0.070
+ 0 to – 0.085
+ 0 to – 0.100
+ 0 to – 0.120
+ 0 to – 0.140
+ 0 to – 0.160
+ 0 to – 0.185
+ 0 to – 0.210
+ 0 to – 0.230
+ 0 to – 0.250

Tolerances of Precision ZR Rod (BS 970-3)

Precision ASME SB-550 Black ZR Round Bar Tolerances
Section Size,
Permitted overall variation
Class A Class B Class C
mm mm mm mm
Round ≧ 6 <75 0.05 0.025 0.013

Tolerance of ZR 702 Round Bar (BS EN ISO 286-2 )

Cold Drawn Hot Rolled /Cold Drawn ASTM B550 Zirconium Welding Rod Tolerance ISO “H” Series in MM
NOMINAL SIZE h5 h6 h7 h8 h9 H10 H11 h12
DIAMETER milimete
~ to 3 +0.004/0 +0.006/0 +0.01/0 +0.014/0 +0.025/0 +0.04/0 +0.06/0 +0.1/0
3 to 6 +0.005/0 +0.008/0 +0.012/0 +0.018/0 +0.03/0 +0.048/0 +0.075/0 +0.12/0
6 to 10 +0.006/0 +0.009/0 +0.015/0 +0.022/0 +0.036/0 +0.058/0 +0.09/0 +0.15/0
10 to 18 +0.008/0 +0.011/0 +0.018/0 +0.027/0 +0.043/0 +0.07/0 +0.11/0 +0.18/0
18 to 30 +0.009/0 +0.013/0 +0.021/0 +0.033/0 +0.052/0 +0.084/0 +0.13/0 +0.21/0
30 to 50 +0.011/0 +0.016/0 +0.025/0 +0.039/0 +0.062/0 +0.1/0 +0.16/0 +0.25/0
50 to 80 +0.013/0 +0.019/0 +0.03/0 +0.046/0 +0.074/0 +0.12/0 +0.19/0 +0.3/0
80 to 120 +0.015/0 +0.022/0 +0.035/0 +0.054/0 +0.087/0 +0.14/0 +0.22/0 +0.35/0
120 to 180 +0.018/0 +0.025/0 +0.04/0 +0.063/0 +0.1/0 +0.16/0 +0.25/0 +0.4/0
180 to 250 +0.02/0 +0.029/0 +0.046/0 +0.072/0 +0.115/0 +0.185/0 +0.29/0 +0.46/0

Zirconium Wire Uses

There are many sectors and industries consuming Zirconium Round Bar / Wire like:
Defence Making arms and ammunition
Military To produce Cold headed components
Automobile Industries to make nuts, bolts, shafts Used in Agricultural sector
Manufacturing gears, bearings, and hinges For Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas industry Heavy engineering Industries

Zirconium Round Bar Manufacturer

ATI Make Zirconium Round Bar / Wire
Carpenter Technology
Bohler Make Zirconium Alloy Round Bar / Wire
Valbruna Group Make Round Bar / Wire
VDM Metals Make Zirconium Alloy Round Bar / Wire

Some of Our Specialities

wooden pack rods

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Countries Where We Export Zirconium Round Bar

Saudi Arabia, Greece, Kuwait, Algeria, Switzerland, Bhutan, United States, Peru, Kazakhstan, Israel, Bangladesh, Venezuela, Mongolia, Australia, Serbia, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Ghana, Morocco, Angola, New Zealand, Slovakia, South Africa, Jordan, Mexico, United Kingdom, India, Austria, Hong Kong, Ukraine, Gabon, Denmark, Gambia, Belgium, Netherlands, Estonia, Taiwan, Finland, Tunisia, Chile, Italy, Russia, Oman, Puerto Rico, China, Thailand, France, South Korea, Brazil, Iraq, Canada, Libya, Kenya, Turkey, Nigeria, Namibia, Qatar, Bolivia, Nepal, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Ecuador, Germany, Singapore, Croatia, Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Trinidad & Tobago, Hungary, Norway, Portugal, Philippines, Indonesia, Lithuania, Egypt, Chile, Vietnam, Costa Rica, Ireland, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Belarus, Macau, Yemen, Tibet, Sweden, Poland, Romania, Argentina, Zimbabwe, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Czech Republic, Poland, Nigeria, Bahrain.

We Supply Zirconium Wire in the following cities

Dubai Abu Dhabi Sharjah Ajman Al Ain Ajman
Fujairah Umm al-Quwain Cairo Manama Istanbul Baghdad
Riyadh Ankara Alexandria Jeddah Jeddah Damascus
Basra New Cairo Doha Kuwait City Beirut Sana’a
Yas Island Muscat Erbil Aleppo Marrakesh Sharjah
Moscow London Saint Petersburg Berlin Madrid Kyiv
Rome Bucharest Paris Minsk Vienna Hamburg
Warsaw Budapest Barcelona Munich Kharkiv Milan
Belgrade Prague Nizhny Novgorod Kazan Sofia Birmingham
Brussels Samara Ufa Rostov-on-Don Cologne Voronezh
Perm Volgograd Odessa Sydney Melbourne Brisbane
Perth Adelaide Canberra Hobart Darwin Gold Coast
Auckland Christchurch Wellington Hamilton Tauranga Dunedin
Sao Paulo Lima Bogota Rio de Janeiro Santiago Caracas